Difference Between Staffing and Recruitment


Recruiting is the process of searching and obtaining prospective candidates for the job. Furthermore, the best candidate is chosen through the selection process which is a part of staffing. In this process, a lot of the applicants are attracted to applying for the vacant opening and it is through the recruitment process that people know more about other job openings within the company, and ultimately decide if they want to accept the position or not. Organizations need to determine the number of employees they require and the skill set of each individual role. This ensures that they find the best fit for the job. Companies can use internal recruitment or external recruiting teams (Like us here at PeopleLift) to attract, engage and hire the top candidates. In internal recruitment, an applicant for the job is sought out from within the company and internal employees can be offered promotions or higher positions within the organization. Other external recruitment methods include job postings, employee referrals, recruitment programs, etc. 


Staffing is a sustainable addition of human resources to a company. That means it encompasses all the processes involved in building and retaining the workforce of the organization. Currently, the hiring environment is competitive, and it’s making it very difficult for organizations to choose the best candidates. Staffing refers to the process of hiring suitable candidates for an opening, who applied on their own. It usually involves various steps like determining the workforce requirement, the number of employees required for the vacant job opening, and encouraging outsiders to apply.

Recruiting vs Staffing


  • Recruitment pertains to the search for high qualified and seasoned candidates for a job opening and urging them to apply for the job. Staffing refers to the process of approaching, employing, training, rewarding and retaining the employees of the organization. 


  • There is a limited scope with just recruiting, as it is just one small aspect of staffing a business. However, staffing refers to a wider scope and involves the search for multiple roles and involves several critical steps to forming a successful business.

Type of function

  • Recruitment is a function of staffing, pertaining to the employment of your potential workforce. Whereas, staffing is a management function that involves various functions. 

Time duration

  • Recruiting for one opening is a short-term goal. In contrast, staffing is a continuous process. There are always new opportunities that emerge within a company that require the recruitment of new employees. Some employees may retire or leave their jobs, causing consistent vacancies. The staffing process is always repeating. 

Organizational level where it is carried out

  • Potential candidates are sought out and applications are accepted during the initial stages of Recruiting for employment. However, staffing is a function that is carried out at all organizational levels and involves different activities extending from the time employees are recruiting until they leave the organization.

Conclusion – Staffing vs Recruiting

Staffing and recruiting cannot exist without the other, but they are not the same. 

The next time you go through the process of obtaining and retaining your employees, you’re staffing. And within the staffing process, when you work towards maximizing applications for the vacancy, you’re recruiting. The most important asset of your company are skilled, qualified and dedicated employees. Employees play a critical role in the efficiency and success of your organization. It’s important to consistently incorporate new and talented employees, and retain your existing employees. Both staffing, and recruiting, are vital to ensuring the most suitable employees are selected for your openings. 

Need help with your staffing and recruiting strategies? Call us! Our tools, combined with our world-class customer success and onboarding, will provide immediate and lasting value to your talent delivery and your workers. We’re more affordable than the industry standard, our delivery is guaranteed, and you’ll get great talent. Not sure if IT staffing is right for your company? Visit our other services, or set up a meeting with us to find the best solution for your company.

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